Breast Fibroadenoma Disease and His Homeopathy Medicines

Breast Fibroadenoma Disease and His Homeopathy Medicines
Breast Fibroadenoma  Disease and His Homeopathy Medicines

Breast Fibroadenoma

What is fibro adenoma ?

Fibro adenoma is  most common non cancerous tumor of the breast. It is most common tumor in women in their 20s and  30s . they are made  up of breast gland tissue and connective tissue.

Fibro adenomas are round and have borders that are distinct from the surrounding breast tissue. They often feel like marble within the breast.  You can move them under the breast as they are  firm but not tender.

A woman can have one or more fibro adenoma and can affect one or both breast.

Cause of fibro adenoma :

Though exact cause is unknown but common  casues are :

Reproductive hormone –estrogen in child bearing age  plays important role in growth of this tumor  .

Oral contraceptive pills –these female hormones combination pills can cause fibro adenoma breast.

Hormone replacement therapy  -in few cases of menopause  HRT may lead to fibro adenoma formation.

Symptoms  of fibro adenoma :

  • Fibro adenomas are generally painless. But pain may be there before and  during  the periods. And subsides after periods .
  • They are firm, round  easily movable under the skin that is why they are also called “breast mouse”.
  • They may grow in size especially  during pregnancy .
  • They have well defined edges and smooth shape in most of the cases .

Complication of fibro adenoma :

In most of the cases fibroadenoma is harmless but  complex fibroadenomas  may increase the risk of cancer.

Psychological issues : though this disease is harmless but sometimes due to fear of   cancer these  patients may  be anxious and can have depression .

Difference between  breast cancer and fibro adenoma :

Fibro adenoma tumor is harmless , smooth  ,more mobile under breast tissue  .

Affects women below 30  years ,tumor may  appear and disappear it generally dosnt cause any disfigurement of breast.

Breast cancer is more common  in women above 35 yrs …lump in breast should be  investigated  with FNAC AND MAMOGRAM.

Cancerous tumor is more harder and attached and fixed to the surrounding tissues.  Patient may present with dimpling, puckering of overlying skin ,nipple retraction, discharge through the nipple . Cancer is painless in most of the cases .

females with these symptoms  should visit physician  for further check-ups.

Do’s and don’t  of fibro adenoma:

  • Make sure to exam your breast regularly always visit the doctor as soon as you notice any change in your breast it is necessary to do routine check-ups.
  • Avoid smoking and alchol.
  • Stop taking birth control pills .
  • Stress and lack of sleep can affect fibro adenoma negatively  so Practice meditation and yoga for relaxation.

Few  effective medicines for fibro adenoma are :

Conium :  this is one of the greatest medicines  which has esp affinity for mammary gland which  is affected with engorgement and stony hardness.

Conium is given to the patients for fibro adenoma when there is hard lump  in breast  which become more painful before and during menses ,pain is stitiching and piercing   and pain is more violent with deep breathing and walking.

This is chief medicine useful after contusion and  bruises.

Conium is more useful in climacteric age, young widows, bachelors.

Calcarea flour :

This is useful medicine for fibroadenoma as this has also got affinity on   stony hardness of glands .

Calc flour  removes the tendency for stony hardness of glands and lumps and nodes  which are movable  and well defined .


This is long and deep acting medicine which prominently work on mammary glands . phytolacca  cures  fibro adenoma   cases when lumps are hard and painful with extreme sorness of breast .

Along with painful lumps enlarged axillary glands are also found in phytolacca cases . Breast are more painful and tender before and during menses.

Pulsatilla :

This is wonderful medicines for fibroadenoma in young girls  . nodes In this medicine are small and painful in nature.  Pulsatilla  is given to the  young timid  girls  who also complains of scanty and irregular menstrual cycles.

Plumbum iodatum :

This is also great medicine for  inflammed and indurated masses in the female breast which are slowly developing  ; tumor is hard and unchangeable in character for long durations .

Plumbum iod is given to the fibroadenoma patients when lump or mass is of slow development  and lumps are painful due tio inflammations.

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