Ankylosing Spondylitis
What is ankylosing spondylitis [AS]?
Ankylosing spondylitis is chronic inflammatory autoimmune and degenerative disease of spine and sacroiliac joint in pelvis.
Tendency for this disease is genetically inherited.
In AS there is chronic inflammation of the spine and sacroiliac joints. [sacrum-bone above the tail bone, iliac bone –bone on both side of upper buttocks] this chronic inflammation can cause pain and stiffness around spine ….neck and lower back.
Over time this inflammation can lead to complete fusion of vertebras together this process is referred as ankylosis .which can lead to stooped over posture.
In AS HLA-B27gene can be detected in the blood of most of the affected patients.
AS symptoms may include pain and stiffness from the neck down to the lower back in young adults and adolescents. It can also affect eyes, lungs, heart and some times kidneys.
Cause of ankylosing spondylitis:
As is an autoimmune disease and always is genetically inherited.
Most of the patient carry HLA-B27 gene .in some cases injury in young athelete can also cause AS.
Symptoms of ankylosis spondylitis:
- Patient will feel pain and stiffness in low back, buttocks and hips for more than 3 months .esp. in mornings and after periods of inactivity.
- Fusion of spine can lead to hump on the back.
- Person will feel fatigue due to inflammation of the joints.
- AS can cause inflammation of eyes in 40% of the people.
- In chronic cases AS can cause shortness of breath with exercise.
Complication of ankylosis spondylitis:
- Compression fracture due to weakened bones.
- Impaired vision due to uveitis.
- Breathing problems due to curvature of thoracic spine.
- Heart and kidney complications in advance stages.
Dos and don’ts of ankylosis spondylitis:
- At your work place always keep your back straight when sitting chair or doing computer work.
- Avoid use of soft delicate mattress …your bed should be firm.
- Avoid sudden movement of back to carry something don’t bend on back always bend on knees.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects.
- Do back strengthening exercises under expert’s supervision.
- Avoid driving for long hours.
- Do yoga, walking and meditation.
- Eat healthy diet eat low fat and low carb diet.
- Don’t drink too much of alcohol people who have AS have higher risk of osteoporosis.
- Get plenty of calcium and vitamin such as dairy products, fish, broccoli, fortified cereals.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
Few effective medicines for ankylosing spondilitis :
Kali carb:
this is one of the important medicines for this potassium salt has marked effect on weakness of back, muscle and limbs; as there is constant dull backache felt by patient and patient always feel like lying down ; there is constant feeling that his back is broken ; many times patient also feels sudden sharp lancinating pain which radiates down the thighs.
Back pain is much worse in the morning.
Rhus tox—
This medicines is of utmost importance in low backache in A.S.
Rhus tox as specific effects on spinal cord which gives rise to paretic effects..
This is given to the patients who feel tearing, shooting, pain in back and thighs which are more felt at night as patient can not rest in any position due to backache there is so much pain as if flesh is torn loose from bone .
Patient complains that pain is more felt while he is resting ,or at the beginning of motion , and in cold damp surroundings; pains are much better while he is doing continuous movement and when he is lying on hard pressure or putting firm support over the back.
Aesculus hipp:
This is great medicine to treat A.S.
This is given when the patient complains of constant heaviness or weight like feeling in back with lancinating pain extending down the hips and thighs .
Aesculus is given when back pain is aggravated in morning ,doing any motion and while standing and stooping . and patient also complains of pain in back when he is rising from seat; and pain is better when lying on some thing hard and with rest .
Causticum :
Causticum is given to the A.S . patients who feel paralytic with pain in back . the back pain radiates to hip and thigh and there is marked stiffness of the back so much so that he can hardly move or change the position.
Some times there is cramps in buttocks and lumbar region.
There is pain in hips while he is coughing …and pain in spine when he is swallowing .
Causticum is given when is pain gets aggravated in dry cold season, extreme of temprature,change of weather , and sour things.
Pain is better in damp weather and with gentle motion.
Calcarea phos :
This medicine is known as nutritional tonic for bones ; this medicine works when bones become soft, brittle and it has especial affinity where bone form suture or symphysis.
When patients feel more back pain in morning on rising from the bed; they cant do any exertion ;cant bend himself to backward; back pain is better when they lie down .
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