What Is Homeopathy?

What Is Homeopathy?

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is evidence- based empirical science .Homeopathy is more than 200 yrs old medical science which is discovered by German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, MD,  in 1794 he established homeopathy on the general law of cure which he derived from the nature and that is ‘similia  similibus  curentur,i.e.  ‘Like cures like’.

Homeopathic science follows the holistic approach as it treats the person as a whole rather than focusing on one specific diseased part.

Homeopathic remedies are absolutely natural as these remedies are prepared from naturally occurring substances –plant kingdom, animal kingdom, mineral kingdom. Each medicine has been proved on healthy human beings to get the best remedy details thus homeopathic proving of medicines is more scientific.

Homeopathy uses attenuated and potentized medicine substances which are in the form of nano-particles, and in many researches and proving it has been found very effective and safe in treating the disease at much deeper level.

The work and growth of homeopathy is still continued at a very rapid pace. Thus homeopathy is not only effective for chronic and autoimmune disease but also treat the disease at deeper level so the relief offered by homeopathy is quite lasting.