Neurological Disorder

Neurological Disorder

Vertigo or Spinning of Head

What is vertigo or spinning of Head?

Vertigo is sensation of spinning or rotation of head and this can be felt even if the person is still.
It is the sensation that you or the surroundings around you is moving around. Attack of vertigo can develop suddenly and last for few days.
Vertigo is one of the most common complaints that may be present in all age groups.

Causes of vertigo:

Some of the most common causes include:

1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo [BPPV]: This is one of the common reasons behind vertigo.
Sensation of vertigo last for few minutes and stops eventually by itself .it comes in paroxysms and occurs suddenly and repeatedly. The symptoms of BPPV are triggered by sudden changes in position of head.
BPPV occurs as a result of disturbance in the inner ear. It occurs when small calcium particles clump up in canal of the inner ear which helps you to keep your balance.
2. Meniere‘s disease: it can cause episodes of vertigo along with ringing of ears and hearing loss.
3. Labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis: This is due to viral infection. This causes inflammation in the inner ear labyrinth and around the nerve that are important for helping the body sense balance.
4. Head or neck injury
5. Stroke or tumor
6. Migraine headache
7. Cervical spondylosis
8. Parkinson’s disease.

Symptoms of vertigo:

• Sensation of spinning, tilting and rotation.
• Loss of balance.
• Often along with vertigo there will be nausea and vomiting.
• Ringing in the ears or hearing loss.
• Headache.
• Blurred vision.

Complications of vertigo:

complication of vertigo depends on the disease involved but repeated vertigo attacks may involve severe headache , impaired consciousness , lack of co-ordination , weakness ,double vision .

Dos and Don’ts of Vertigo:

1. Get yourself checked: The most important thing in vertigo is never take it very lightly. Always get yourself thoroughly checked once you experience the repeated bouts of vertigo by the doctor because in case you are having repeated bouts of vertigo, there must be some underlying cause.
2. Sleep on your back with head up: In case it has been diagnosed by the doctor that you are having problem of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) then you should sleep on your back with head propped up.
3. Do not lower your head beneath your shoulder: In case it has been diagnosed by the doctor that you are having problem of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) then you should never do motions which require to lower down your head beneath your shoulder.
4. Do not extend your neck for long: In case it has been diagnosed by the doctor that you are having problem of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) do not extend your neck for long.
5. Avoid sudden movements : Sudden and jerky movements like roller coaster riding should be avoided and avoid doing those sports where sudden jerky movements are involved.
6. Consume more ginger:
7. Avoid smoking:
8. Get your eyes checked after regular intervals.

Mental Health

Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Medicine for Anxiety Panic Disorders:

What is Anxiety Disorder?

Little bit of anxiety is part of day to day life. The type-A personality people generally get stressed out than the other people. There are lot of occasions when a normal person gets stressed out like before facing an interview, after listening to any bad news or before taking some important decision. For the persons with anxiety disorder, anxiety does not go away or even worse with time. The anxiety disorder can create such distress that it interferes with ability to lead a normal life.

What are the Types of Anxiety Disorder?

There are basically 3 types of anxiety disorders:

a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
b. Panic Disorder.
c. Social anxiety disorder.

What are the sign and symptoms of anxiety disorder?

Sign and symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder:

a. Constant Irritability with or without Restlessness.
b. Concentration over any work or study is near to impossible.
c. Lethargy and difficulty or easily fatigued
d. Mind goes blank sometimes.
e. Stiffness of muscles.
f. Sleeplessness (difficulty in falling sleep or unsatisfying sleep)

Sign and symptoms of Panic attack or Panic disorder:

a. Sudden and repetitive feeling of panic, fear and or uneasiness.
b. Cold or sweaty hands and feet.
c. Shortness of breath.
d. Palpitations.
e. Nausea
f. Numbness or tingling sensation.
g. Dry mouth.
h. Dizziness.
i. Intense worry about when the next attack will occur.
j. Fear of the places where the panic attacks had happened in the past.

Sign and symptoms of social Anxiety disorder or Social phobia:

a. Feels very anxious about being with other people.
b. Feels self conscious in front of others and worried about being judged by others.
c. Feels nauseous or sick to the stomach when other people are present.

Causes of Anxiety disorder:

Physical causes that might co-exist with anxiety disorder:

a. Overactive thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism.
b. Low blood sugar.
c. Hypertension.
d. Prolong suffering from grave diseases like Cancer or other end-stage disorders.
e. Different medication might cause anxiety disorder as a side effect.
f. Elevated cortisol level.
g. Addison disease.

Risk Factors for Anxiety Disorder:

a. Shyness, strict parenthood.
b. Lack of economic resources.
c. Exposure to stressful life episodes during childhood or adulthood.
d. Parental history of mental disorder.

Treatments for Anxiety disorders:

Psychotherapy is a type of counseling, which addresses the emotional response to the mental illness. There is a particular type of psychotherapy, known as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, which is helpful for anxiety disorders.

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