Why Homeopathy?

Why Homeopathy?

Why Homeopathy?

• Homeopathy is the safest and most gentle treatment it has been considered safe even for infants and pregnant females.
• Homeopathic remedies as prepared from natural substances and proved on healthy human beings works very gently on constitution and does not have any side effect on human body.
• Homeopathy always treats the patient by resolving the reason behind the disease rather than treating the disease.
• The homeopathic consultant treats the whole person believing that all the symptoms are connected and important and selects the most suitable medicine.
• Homeopathic medicines stimulates the body’s own curative powers thus homeopathy assist the the body to heal itself and bring the patient to higher level of health.
• Homeopathy has been very effective in preventing many disease and infection i.e.
Swine flu, chicken pox.
• Homeopathic medicines are non addictive.